Most of the previous month's enhancements are technical.
File sizes are reduced (meaning, faster page views, hopefully). Created external javascript and stylesheet files. Some javascripts are scrambled. I am working on lesser readability for the sourcecode of my pages.
I have added a graphical menu in the top portion of the Home Page, based on a friend's suggestion...but I have yet to improve on its looks. (Yeah right!) The guestbook is now running. Added more text in my bios/profile. Added 3 new scripts: the countdown to Christmas, the scrolling text box and the date display.
I have also put up the outdoor jokes page (Patawa sa Bundok). Put in the new AMCI logo in its homepage. Put up some graphics to the different websites in the Outdoor Links page.
There is a new counter and a cameraware applet somewhere in this site, too! It's supposed to be cool, but you be the judge.
Okay? so much for now. Next time, I'll be filling this site with pictures. Watch out for it!